Mozart Symphonies Nos. 29 & 33, Clarinet Concerto

Release Date: 13-09-2024
PTC: 5187208
 18,00 Select

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44.1/16 Stereo  10,99 Select

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96/24 Stereo  14,99 Select

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 10,99 18,00


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Total Tracks 11
Total Duration 01hr 19min

Album information


The Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin continues its PENTATONE Mozart series with the composer’s 29th and 33rd symphonies. These works are coupled with his ravishingly beautiful Clarinet Concerto, performed by Ernst Schlader in the original edition for basset clarinet. Schlader, a specialist in historical instruments, has written an essay on the basset clarinet for the album booklet that includes a rare historical image showing the original shape of the instrument used in the years after the concerto’s premiere. The first release of this series was longlisted for the Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik.

The Akademie für Alte Musik is generally seen as one of the best period-instruments ensembles of today, and has a substantial Pentatone discography, including CANTATA with Bejun Mehta (2018), Handel’s Concerti grossi Op. 3 and 6 (released in 2019 and 2020), Telemann’s Miriways (2020), Handel’s Messiah (2020), Haydn’s L’isola disabitata (2021), La Passione with Christina Landshamer (2022), a recording of Mozart’s Paris and Haffner symphonies and Oboe Concerto with Xenia Löffler (2023), and Telemann’s Ino (2024).

Downloaded product contains booklet.

Released physically on standard CD.