Metamorphosis (Digital-only EP)


Holland Baroque


Judith Steenbrink
Release Date: 12-07-2024
PTC: 5187378

High quality

44.1/16 Stereo Select

Premium quality

48/24 Stereo Select

More information about sound quality




Judith Steenbrink (b. 1977)

Total Tracks 11
Total Duration 00hr 29min

Album information

Holland Baroque offers a colourful sonic ride through the microcosmos on this soundtrack for Pim Zwier’s Metamorphosis, a film portraying the extraordinary seventeenth-century natural science artist Maria Sibylla Merian and the fascinating life of the insects she studied. Judith Steenbrink composed new music, combining nature sounds, Baroque-inspired dances and groovy melodies. Together with the sound design by Paul Gies this results in a sound world as iridescent, enticing and original as Zwier’s film.

This is a digital-only EP, not available as a physical product.