March 06, 2025

Eleonora Buratto Pays Tribute to Greatest Composers and Heroines of Italian 19th-Century Opera with ‘Indomita’

PENTATONE releases Indomita, featuring Eleonora Buratto, Orchestra & Coro dell’Opera Carlo Felice Genova & Sesto Quatrini, in April 2025.

A Tribute To Indomitable Opera Heroines

On her solo debut album Indomita, soprano Eleonora Buratto pays tribute to the greatest composers and most insurmountable heroines of Italian nineteenth-century opera, together with the Orchestra & Coro dell’Opera Carlo Felice Genova under the baton of Sesto Quatrini. For Buratto, these scenes from Bellini’s Il pirata, Donizetti’s Anna Bolena and Lucrezia Borgia, as well as Verdi’s I due Foscari and Aroldo, constitute a core repertoire for any soprano moving into the dramatic post-1850 operas in which she is currently thriving onstage. The combined demand of agility and power of the indomitable women portrayed fit her voice like a glove, and the combination of pieces offers an illuminating perspective on the development of Italian opera during the nineteenth century.

Eleonora Buratto is one of the most highly acclaimed lyric sopranos in the world. Besides the Orchestra & Coro dell’Opera Carlo Felice Genova and conductor Sesto Quatrini, Indomita contains contributions by mezzo-soprano Irene Savignano, tenor Didier Pieri and bass Giovanni Battista Parodi. All artists make their PENTATONE debut.

“I am an Italian singer and have built my career in line with the natural inclination of my vocality, very cautiously, and with great respect for the style, the composers and the operas in which our history is grounded. I worship Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti and Verdi, independently of the opportunities I have had or will have to perform on stage in their operas. For this reason, in my opinion, my first album “had to” start from those roots which are most meaningful to me, passed on to me by my teachers, and which I have admired in the great singers of the past.”

Eleonora Buratto

Digital Release Date11 APRIL 2025

Physical Release: APRIL 2025

Released as a standard CD and in digital formats for streaming and high-resolution downloads.