PENTATONE releases Boulez: Livre pour Quatuor, with Quatuor Diotima, in March 2025.
Adding A New Chapter To Boulez’ Work In Progress
Quatuor Diotima celebrates Pierre Boulez’ centenary with a recording of his Livre pour quatuor, containing the world-premiere of the piece’s fourth movement, which the composer conceived in close cooperation with the members of Diotima, and was completed by Philippe Manoury after his death. This recording adds a fascinating chapter to Boulez’s “work in progress”, and is a fitting successor to the quartet’s acclaimed Ligeti recording from 2023.
Quatuor Diotima is one of the most in-demand chamber ensembles in the world today, and has worked in close collaboration with several of the greatest composers of the late twentieth century. Reflected in the mirror of today’s music, the quartet projects a new light onto the masterpieces of the 19th and 20th centuries. The quartet returns to PENTATONE after their acclaimed Metamorphosis Ligeti (2023) and Bruckner & Klose String Quartets (2024), which was awarded a Jahrespreis der Schallplattenkritik.
“The hours spent with him [Boulez], at his home or in a restaurant, were privileged moments of exchange not only on the string quartet but also on music in general and life in particular. He told us that he would make sure each of us received, “for Christmas,” a copy of the manuscript of the fourth movement, preserved at the Paul Sacher Foundation in Basel. He kept his promise: on December 24, 2011, we found the manuscript underneath the Christmas tree!”
Quatuor Diotima
Digital Release Date: 21 MARCH 2025
Physical Release: MARCH 2025
Released as a Standard CD and in digital formats for streaming and high-resolution downloads.