September 26, 2024

Raaf Hekkema presents Karg-Elert’s Complete Works for Solo Saxophone

PENTATONE releases Karg-Elert, featuring Raaf Hekkema, in October 2024.

Bringing Karg-Elert’s Colourful Solo Saxophone Works Into The Modern Canon

Saxophonist Raaf Hekkema presents Sigfrid Karg-Elert’s complete works for solo saxophone, stylistically encompassing Bach and baroque dances as well as dance-hall and atonality. This recording is the result of a life-long quest to unveil the musical intentions of this enigmatic, colourful composer. It’s hard to think of a better ambassador for this vibrant repertoire than Raaf Hekkema, one of today’s most-acclaimed saxophonists.

Raaf Hekkema is an adventurous Dutch saxophonist. Performing mainly his own arrangements, he gives approximately 100 concerts per year the world over. This is his first solo project on PENTATONE, after having released Hidden Gems (2018), Dido & Aeneazz(2019), Bach’s Musical Offerings (2020) and An American Rhapsody (2023) as member of the Calefax Reed Quintet.

“For the first time I dedicate myself here to an original work, in which the revision of the material has been my only involvement. I therefore felt much more ‘in the service of the composer’ during recording than in previous cases. Karg-Elert limited his saxophone music to the standard range of two and a half octaves, which for me meant a different approach compared to previous recordings. Now, a century of instrumental development later, this music can no longer be regarded as highly virtuosic. My focus has therefore been much more on tonal beauty and expressive intensity. This recording ends a beautiful journey that started when I was 18.”

Raaf Hekkema

Digital Release Date25 OCTOBER 2024

Physical Release: OCTOBER 2024

Released as a Standard CD and in digital formats for streaming and high-resolution downloads.