At the beginning of September, the new album ‘Fantasies Rhapsodies and Daydreams ‘by the amazingly talented Arabella Steinbacher will be released worldwide, however it is already available for pre-order on our website. For this release, Arabella has shared some exclusive insights on the recording process of this album. The results are estonishing, wich is a result of the big effort that was put in this recording.
”Two weeks before the recording I called Larry, completely desperate, and blamed him for making me learn this devilish piece. I wanted to record the Carmen Fantasy by Sarasate instead, which I had played many times before. “I ́m too old to learn this kind of circus piece!” I said, but he stayed very cool and replied: “Of course we can take out the Waxman…. by the way, Heifetz learned it when he was over 40 because Waxman only wrote it for him in 1946.” That was it – although I would never think I could ever be like Heifetz, after Larry said this I understood that he was right and was excited to make the journey. Thanks to Larry the Waxman stayed on this disc after all, and I am very glad I did it!”
”Every time I work together with Larry Foster, he is full of stories about Jasha Heifetz from their time together in the 1960s and it is like being taken to another world. Then suddenly the idea came to us; why not make a recording full of these pieces like in the “old days”?”Arabella Steinbacher